Neuromuscular Technique

Neuromuscular Technique targets “trigger points” to alleviate pain and spasm cycles. This treatment aims to restore balance between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems by addressing biomechanical dysfunction, postural distortion, poor blood flow, trigger points, and nerve compression.

Relaxation & Pain Relief

Prioritizing self-care amidst daily hustle is crucial, as your body signals the need for it through tension, pain, and stress. At One Branch Therapeutic Wellness, our Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) provide personalized massage treatments to alleviate discomfort, reduce inflammation, and promote natural healing. Don’t fall for misinformation; reach out to us for professional advice on improving your wellbeing.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a highly effective technique for treating musculoskeletal issues, including strains and sports injuries. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain, particularly in the neck, back, joints, and muscles. With more people working from home due to Covid-19, deep tissue massage has become increasingly popular for promoting overall wellness and rehabilitation. At One Branch Therapeutic Wellness, our Registered Massage Therapists are here to advise you on the best treatment plan for your needs. Reach out to us for accurate information and to prioritize your wellbeing.

Swedish Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage are two popular therapeutic techniques. Swedish massage focuses on relaxation and increased blood circulation through long strokes and kneading, while Deep Tissue Massage targets chronic pain and inflammation by manipulating deep tissues. Although pressure is increased in Deep Tissue Massage, both techniques require a skilled therapist to provide effective care tailored to individual needs.


Pregnancy brings numerous physical and emotional changes, with 72% of women experiencing low back and pelvic pain. Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) can provide relief by reducing muscle tension, pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and improving sleep, mood, and symptoms of edema and sciatica.

Sports & Fitness Massage

Boost your sports performance and prevent injuries with sports and fitness massages at One Branch Therapeutic Wellness. Our experienced Registered Massage Therapists can improve your muscle health, circulation, and alignment, preparing you for high impact activities. Contact us for personalized advice and to separate fact from fiction in the world of sports massage therapy. Your wellbeing is our priority.

Before and After Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings joy and challenges. At One Branch Therapeutic Wellness, our expert RMTs offer personalized massage therapy to alleviate common discomforts and stress during this special time. Our services include relief for abdominal trauma, cesarean sections, lower back pain, and more. Let us help you nurture yourself and your baby with safe, effective treatments tailored to your needs. Contact us today for answers from qualified professionals.

General Treatments & Techniques

Neuromuscular Technique

Neuromuscular Technique targets “trigger points” to alleviate pain and spasm cycles. This treatment aims to restore balance between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems by addressing biomechanical dysfunction, postural distortion, poor blood flow, trigger points, and nerve compression.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a highly effective technique for treating musculoskeletal issues, including strains and sports injuries. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain, particularly in the neck, back, joints, and muscles. With more people working from home due to Covid-19, deep tissue massage has become increasingly popular for promoting overall wellness and rehabilitation. At One Branch Therapeutic Wellness, our Registered Massage Therapists are here to advise you on the best treatment plan for your needs. Reach out to us for accurate information and to prioritize your wellbeing.

Swedish Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage are two popular therapeutic techniques. Swedish massage focuses on relaxation and increased blood circulation through long strokes and kneading, while Deep Tissue Massage targets chronic pain and inflammation by manipulating deep tissues. Although pressure is increased in Deep Tissue Massage, both techniques require a skilled therapist to provide effective care tailored to individual needs.

Relaxation & Pain Relief

Prioritizing self-care amidst daily hustle is crucial, as your body signals the need for it through tension, pain, and stress. At One Branch Therapeutic Wellness, our Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) provide personalized massage treatments to alleviate discomfort, reduce inflammation, and promote natural healing. Don’t fall for misinformation; reach out to us for professional advice on improving your wellbeing.

Sports, Fitness & Women Specific

Before and After Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings joy and challenges. At One Branch Therapeutic Wellness, our expert RMTs offer personalized massage therapy to alleviate common discomforts and stress during this special time. Our services include relief for abdominal trauma, cesarean sections, lower back pain, and more. Let us help you nurture yourself and your baby with safe, effective treatments tailored to your needs. Contact us today for answers from qualified professionals.

Neuromuscular Technique

Neuromuscular Technique targets “trigger points” to alleviate pain and spasm cycles. This treatment aims to restore balance between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems by addressing biomechanical dysfunction, postural distortion, poor blood flow, trigger points, and nerve compression.

Sports & Fitness Massage

Boost your sports performance and prevent injuries with sports and fitness massages at One Branch Therapeutic Wellness. Our experienced Registered Massage Therapists can improve your muscle health, circulation, and alignment, preparing you for high impact activities. Contact us for personalized advice and to separate fact from fiction in the world of sports massage therapy. Your wellbeing is our priority.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a highly effective technique for treating musculoskeletal issues, including strains and sports injuries. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain, particularly in the neck, back, joints, and muscles. With more people working from home due to Covid-19, deep tissue massage has become increasingly popular for promoting overall wellness and rehabilitation. At One Branch Therapeutic Wellness, our Registered Massage Therapists are here to advise you on the best treatment plan for your needs. Reach out to us for accurate information and to prioritize your wellbeing.

Swedish Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage are two popular therapeutic techniques. Swedish massage focuses on relaxation and increased blood circulation through long strokes and kneading, while Deep Tissue Massage targets chronic pain and inflammation by manipulating deep tissues. Although pressure is increased in Deep Tissue Massage, both techniques require a skilled therapist to provide effective care tailored to individual needs.

Relaxation & Pain Relief

Prioritizing self-care amidst daily hustle is crucial, as your body signals the need for it through tension, pain, and stress. At One Branch Therapeutic Wellness, our Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) provide personalized massage treatments to alleviate discomfort, reduce inflammation, and promote natural healing. Don’t fall for misinformation; reach out to us for professional advice on improving your wellbeing.


Pregnancy brings numerous physical and emotional changes, with 72% of women experiencing low back and pelvic pain. Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) can provide relief by reducing muscle tension, pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and improving sleep, mood, and symptoms of edema and sciatica.


Experiencing headaches? Discover how Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) can help with tension, migraine, cluster, and sinus headaches. Benefits of RMT treatment include pain relief, decreased stress, relaxation, and reduced muscle tension.

Covid 19

Prioritizing safety, standard Covid-19 practices are essential when visiting your RMT. Stay vigilant for any signs of illness, not just Covid, to protect your RMT and others. For BC’s latest Covid-19 updates, visit the Government of Canada’s health professionals resource.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Explore how massage therapy can offer relief and slow the progression of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, enhancing hand function and reducing pain.


A stroke is a medical emergency caused by disrupted blood flow to the brain, leading to brain cell death. Symptoms include headache, numbness, loss of coordination, and trouble speaking or balancing. Registered Massage Therapists can help reduce localized pain and disability by using massage techniques and exercises. They can also provide stretches to prevent cramping.

Sports & Fitness Lifestyle

Discover the benefits of sports massage therapy, a practice dating back to ancient Greece and Rome. Boost performance, prevent injuries, and reduce muscle soreness with the help of registered massage therapists. Research shows massage therapy can also lower stress hormones, improve mood, and increase flexibility.


Pregnancy brings numerous physical and emotional changes, with 72% of women experiencing low back and pelvic pain. Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) can provide relief by reducing muscle tension, pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and improving sleep, mood, and symptoms of edema and sciatica.


Whiplash, often caused by car accidents or sports injuries, can lead to various neck injuries and symptoms like pain, numbness, and headaches. Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) play a crucial role in managing these symptoms, reducing muscle spasms, and improving functionality. Early return to work and proper guidance are essential for optimal recovery and minimizing long-term disability.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) impacts over 25% of the population, causing jaw pain, joint sounds, and impaired movement. Stress, teeth grinding, and trauma contribute to TMD. Registered Massage Therapists can alleviate symptoms, reduce pain and tenderness, decrease stress, and promote relaxation.

Plantar Fascitis

Plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain, affects the plantar fascia. Symptoms include heel pain, swelling, and paresthesia. Overuse, sedentary or athletic lifestyles, and obesity contribute to this condition. Registered Massage Therapists can help alleviate pain and swelling through massage techniques, exercises, and hydrotherapy.


Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) affects 129 million women worldwide, causing chronic widespread body pain and other symptoms such as migraines, depression, and fatigue. Sensitivity to touch, light, and sound is also common, making daily activities challenging for sufferers. Learn more about this complex health issue.