

Cancer is a disease in which cells of an organ or tissue fail to respond to normal control mechanisms, growing and multiplying out of control. Massage therapy is increasingly being included in treatment programs for cancer patients at clinics and hospitals around the...
Neuromuscular Technique

Neuromuscular Technique

Neuromuscular Technique treats “trigger points” or specific areas of neural activity to break cycles of spasm and pain. The goal is balance between the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system through treatment of dysfunctional biomechanics, postural distortion,...
Swedish Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage is a system of long strokes, kneading, and friction techniques on the more superficial layers of muscles, combined with active and passive movements of joints to increase general body awareness, relaxation, and blood circulation. It is often used...
Before and After Pregnancy

Before and After Pregnancy

Becoming a mom is an incredible experience, I know! – I have 4 kids! With motherhood comes change. It’s helpful to find outlets that can naturally treat common symptoms that arise as your body continues to adjust as the baby grows.  Nurture yourself and your...